Human teeth are made up of a series of layers including tooth enamel, dentin, pulp and other sensitive structures. Sometimes an accidental blow to the mouth, untreated tooth decay or other oral health problems can extend beyond the hard enamel layer to distress the core or root of the tooth. This can lead to a gradually worsening toothache. In a... read more »
Even minor toothache pain should not be taken lightly. It is often a sign that some form of trauma or tooth decay has affected the sensitive core structures of the tooth. In a case like this, you can turn to the specialist care available at Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC’s endodontic clinic in Stamford, Connecticut. Fast treatment from... read more »
If you’ve ever had a tooth chip or an oral filling chipped out, you understand that life can cause some dental work to be less than permanent. If you need a root canal and are hesitant about how successful it can be, don’t worry: root canal treatments are very successful, and with care, they can last for many years. Here... read more »
Deviations in the alignment of your teeth can cause the biting surface of one to rub excessively on an alternative surface of another tooth. If it goes unnoticed the small area of dental attrition can gradually spread to compromise an increasing amount of dental material. In some of these cases, bacterial deposits can start to build up in the compromised... read more »
Toothache pain might gradually build up over time, or it could suddenly appear after suffering a dental trauma. It can be especially concerning if you’re also experiencing distress or pressure in the local gum tissues. While they can be caused by a myriad of sources, toothache pain is almost always a sign that something as distressed the sensitive internal structures... read more »