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One of the most common causes of dental problems that require endodontic treatment is traumatic injury. If you have experienced a traumatic injury, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Drs. Allen Rosenthal and Agnes Herceg to determine whether you need endodontic care, and if so, which treatment will be most beneficial to your oral health. To learn more about traumatic injury and to make your appointment at Advanced Endodontics & Microsurgery of Stamford, PC in Stamford, Connecticut, please contact our office at 203-324-9239.

There are a variety of traumatic injuries that can damage your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. These injuries may include:

  • Dislodged Teeth – Injuries to your mouth can cause your teeth to be pushed back into their sockets, or partially out of their sockets. Our endodontists can reposition and stabilize your tooth and can provide a root canal if the pulp becomes damaged or infected as a result of the injury.
  • Avulsed (Knocked-Out) Teeth – If your tooth is knocked completed out of your mouth, it is important to receive treatment immediately! After your tooth falls out, keep it moist. This will help our endodontists save it and return it to its proper place. If possible, put your tooth back into the socket. You can also place it in milk or a glass of water with a pinch of salt, or cover it with your saliva. The length of time the tooth was out of your mouth and the way it was stored during that time will determine the type of treatment you receive.
  • Injuries in Children – Primary teeth that are damaged may receive different procedures to improve the chances of saving the tooth.
    • Apexogenesis – Apexogenesis encourages the root to continue developing as the pulp is healed. Soft tissue will be covered in medication to encourage growth, and the root tip (apex) will continue to close as the child gets older. If the pulp heals, no additional treatment will be necessary. The more mature the tooth root is, the more likely it is that our endodontists can save the tooth.
    • Apexification – Apexification is a treatment in which the unhealthy pulp is removed. Our doctors will place medication into the root to help a hard tissue form near the root tip, which will provide a barrier for the root canal filling. The root canal walls will not continue to develop, which makes the tooth susceptible to fractures. A restorative treatment may be necessary.

To learn more about the effects of traumatic injuries and our endodontic treatments, and to make your appointment with our endodontists, give us a call today!